What’s in my September 2013 Ipsy bag?!

Hey there! Sorry this is very belated, for some reason my bag took forever to come in the mail! I was excited to see what this bag would be like because the sneak peaks were so tempting!

First things first-The card in the inside! These are always fun to look at first because they show you what the theme for the bag is, and for this September month it is classy! And of course the back shows a bunch of coupons, and products that you get in the bag.

wpid-20130918_223959.jpgThen something new! In this month’s bag you get a foldout diagram of Michelle Phan‘s new makeup palette design with different shades and colors, and get a sneak peek into the collection. AND not even counted as a product in the bag, you get a bunch of little sample eyeshadow and blush in the bottom of this fold out! SWEET! I am actually very excited to create a look with this, and post about it! It is an example of her LIFE PALETTE.


Below you can see an exaple of this giant pallete she came up with!


Here is the little diagram below that comes with the fold out! It shows you exactly how to re create her makeup look and what shades to use where. Above you will  the little sample at the bottom right, these are the colors you get! There is a couple eyeshadow shades and a cheek color to try out a natural makeup look with.

Next, is the bag! BUM BUM BUM! I get so excited each month to see the bags because they are great to have lying around my room to through jewelry or makeup in on the go! This week you get a classy royal blue bag with lace on the outside which is simple adorable!


Below is a picture of the bag and all the goodies that I received! 😀


The first product I received is the London Butter Nail polish in La Moss. I was so flippin’ excited to get nail polish in this bag, especially this brand because I have never owned a polish from them before and they are pretty pricey! The color I got was a deep blood red color and is so gorgeous for fall I was so happy to get this color that I immediately painted my nails with it in the picture below O.o




Next is this gorgeous Cailyn Lip Tint in BIG APPLE, gosh I remember in a past Ipsy bag I received a purple eyeliner in this brand and I was so excited when I got this lip color as well! I love that they all come with little brushes in the top as well :p



The next product is the Star Looks Black Eyeliner pencil in Obsidian k01. I have already used this and can say I love it. It doesn’t smudge down your eyes throughout the day, and is actually very black pigmented and high quality.


Next is the Nyx Eyeshadow in Morocco. This shadow is OKAY…I will have to give it another chance and try it out on my eyes, but when I swatched it, it took me rubbing my finger 4 times in the shadow to even have color show up…which is strange because their blush is pretty well pigmented and this eyeshadow looks dark so you would think it would show up dark not just light gray shadow. If you guys have any thoughts on this shadow let me know if it worked out better for you?



Next is this Elizabeth Mott, Mascara Sample which I have used and it is actually a really nice mascara! I like the length and thinness of the wand and it did not make my lashes clumpy at all! 🙂


That’s it for the products I got in this month’s Ipsy bag. I was really satisfied with what I got this month, I think it was one of the best bags by far! I am excited to use Michelle’s new makeup and try out the Cailyn lip tint. If you guys love this bag or got different products than I did, let me know how you like them! I love to hear from you guys. Thank you so much for reading and Love Always Pearlsnheels ❤

2 thoughts on “What’s in my September 2013 Ipsy bag?!

  1. I think it’s a good thing that the NYX eye shadow didn’t rub off on the paper. I means most of the pigment was stuck to your skin – like it should be! I got the Morocco shade as well, and it’s BEAUTIFUL. And I just used a cheap sponge applicator to put it on.
    – Michelle

Let me know what you think here!