Let’s Get Intense.. Circle Lenses Review

Hey loves, I know I have been MIA. BUT, I had a good reason. A few weeks ago I wanted to get circle lenses SO BADLY! I mean don’t we all want bigger eyes? If you don’t know circle lenses are..they can come in prescription and nonprescription.  They are colored lenses that are usually bigger in diameter than most contacts. The ones I am wearing are 15mm in diameter contacts, where as my usual size is about 14 mm. There are a lot of benefits to circle lenses, such as they can make your eyes appear larger, there are more styles and colors to choose from, and there is no prescription needed to order them! SO I have been wearing them for 2 weeks now and really giving them a go, to serve you up my own most honest opinion and review of them! 😀


When you visit you optometrist, if you wear contacts, can recommend some colored contacts in the same brand that you already wear that are CRAZY EXPENSIVE. Yes, they have a range of colors that are all somewhat natural looking, and the most exciting color is light purple, and 3 pair will charge $175. Which is ridiculous. Being the cheepo I am I decided I was not going to pay that for colored contacts…I mean aren’t they just pieces of plastic you use and discard?! So naturally I googled. I found http://www.thedollyeye.com, and I read multiple reviews myself to see what their rep was. They are amazing contacts, that I have really grown to be in love with! Their site apart from contacts, has other beauty products as well, and is definitely worth checking out. Under the circle lenses tab, is where the fun begins!

They have so many colors, styles, themed, and sizes, and prescription/non-perscription lenses to choose from! The biggest challenge is figuring out from all the kinds which ones you want to buy, they are all wicked cool! I wanted like 20 pairs, for real :p On their site they also have links to pictures taken by real people wearing them so you can see better what they will look like in person, which is great.  AND they are only around  $25 per pair which is way better than the actual recommended ones from your doctor. In most cases always go to your doctor first, but in this case, I have been wearing contacts for 7 plus years now, and have tried many different contacts and brands, and as long as you buy them from a reliable source, know your script number, and use them correctly you are golden!


As you can see, this is what you get when you order your contacts! Two vials containing your contacts in solution, I bought the Twilight Green ones, because I already have green eyes and wanted a more fun intense green look! Mine are in a -3.75 prescription, as you can see on the lid, and they even give you a little carrying lens case to keep them in. So to be honest, you have to get used to them…at first if you already where contacts you know the drill, don’t sleep in contacts, keep them clean in refreshed daily solution, ect. Circle lenses however, since they are much larger, deprive your eyes of more oxygen. With this being said, NEVER sleep in these contacts. Regular contacts you can get away with this once in a while, but which such a large contact lens, this can really harm and damage your eyes while you sleep. It is pretty much eye murder by means of suffocation lol


When you first get them, take them remove them from the vile, by unscrewing the sharp (be careful) metal caping mechanism, and poor them into the lens carrying case and fill with fresh solution. If you have never warn contacts you can buy the solution at Target or anywhere for $3. It is hard to explain, but if you don’t know how to put a contact lens in, Youtube a video of it. Basically, what I do is gently pull down the lower lid, with head tipped somewhat down, and apply it to your eye while looking up, so you don’t touch your pupil, then let go and roll your eyes around till the contacts adjust to your pupil. If there is a lot of discomfort at first make sure they are clean, not bent, and are not in folded backwards, ha ha this happens sometimes…

AT FIRST, I got somewhat of a head ache…but naturally your body needs time to adjust to new things…as if you had a caffein headache. But after I got used to them, I have been absolutely loving them! 🙂 Mine are really intense but that’s just my style, but they have natural ones on their site as well! I recommend only wearing them for a bit when you start out, not to add stress on your sensitive eyes! Start off by wearing them for 6 hours maximum, and see how they feel. I don’t wear mine all day long, everyday. I wear them as more of a special thing, when I am going out, or want a dressed up look. I have gotten so many complements from people on these colored ones, it makes me just want more kinds. They are fun, and unique, and can really switch up your look. They are also great for people like me, who are always trying to make their eyes look bigger or more enhanced.


I love pairing these lenses with lots of eyeliner and mascara, even false lashes, to really play them up and give them that Barbie Doll look, I mean why not? I suggest if you want them to look more natural, pick a color somewhat close to your eye color. If you want natural looking blue eyes, but have dark brown ones normally, it will be a little difficult for you can slightly see your natural eye color underneath the pupil opening in the lens, but only if someone was really looking. I have been wearing them for a couple weeks now, and completely in love, they are just that interesting pop to my makeup looks! I suggest giving them a try since they are so affordable, and you can really choose whatever ones fit your life best 🙂 You can find them at http://www.thedollyeye.com

Here is an example of a makeup look I rocked to enhance the color of the contacts, since they are green I chose a warm gold tone 🙂 You can see my own green eyes a bit, but it is not so noticeable in person, I love love love these bad boys! :p


wpid-20131011_145349.jpgIf you guys have any questions about the wear of these or my thought on them please post in the comments below! I love hearing your feedback 🙂 Please stay tuned for more posts, I am trying to schedule a time to post more regularly. Thank you so much for reading and Love always Pearlsnheels ❤

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