The Versatile Blogger Nominee! Thank you so much! :)

Hello lovies! I am so excited to say I was nominated for The Versatile Blogger award by BeccaBear & The Beauty Bachelorette!  I am so excited and grateful that I was thought of for this award! 🙂


  • The rules are that you must post the award, and who nominated you for it on the post! 🙂
  • You have to give 15 awards to 15 other bloggers that really deserve to receive it!
  • Leave them a comment on their page to let them know that they have been nominated for this award! :0
  • Then post 7 Amazing things about yourself, what makes you and your blog special! :p

So I am going to entertain you with 7 things about myself? Well this will be hard…My life, as a 20 year old, hasn’t had any mind blowing, interesting, things happen in it! :p

1) I am 20, and was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis when I was 18. Haha, most interesting things in my life are a bummer! haha whatever…I was on birth control for a year and it gave me this condition. The Depo Provera shot gave me Arthritis for life, fun stuff :0 So…I pretty much feel like I am a 90 old lady all the time.

2) Apart from being an avid beauty and makeup obsessor, I am a full time student and work 2 jobs! Let’s just say I am a busy girl! I go to school full time for Graphic Design. My dream is to be a graphic designer for the cosmetic industry one day. This means I want to become the person who designs all the makeup packaging design and creates the advertisements…I would kill to work for Benefit or Urban Decay. Life Dream for real. My other two jobs…I am a waitress for an Italian restaurant, and a pharmaceutical technician….random right?!

3) I have a tabby cat named Meatball. Of course, to me, she is the best cat in the world. When she was a kitten, and I first got her, her name was Bella for beautiful. Then she rounded out and became an almost 30 pound cat, then meatball just suited her lol

4) I am a TV show junkie. Although I love movies just as much as anyone, I get addicted to series! Feel free to chime in if any of these are your favorites! I am obsessed and watching/finished Spartacus, Game of Thrones, Dexter, Homeland, Bourgeois, Dr. Who, Catfish, Teen Mom, Bar Rescue…such a random line up, and there are many more! :0 haha I may have a problem…

5) Music…I am obsessed with the oldies…or older considered music. May favorites include Bob Dylan (got to even see him in concert),  Janis Joplin, Elvis, and Johnny Cash. Something about the quality of music, and the lyrics just really intrigues and interests me. I even have the lyrics to the Johnny Cash song I Walk The Line lyrics tattooed on my ribcage. Which brings me to tattoos and piercings…I have only 2 tattoos, wanting more, and 12 piercings.

6) I am obsessed with Hayao Miyazaki directed movies. I saw the first on Totoro when I was little, and have been in love with them ever since. As an artist, the illustration and storyline really caught my eye. The movies are really well thought out and high quality. As well they are really sweet and incredible, I love the characters and settings  in each movie ❤ Some of my favorites are Kiki’s Delivery Service and Howl’s Moving Castle!

7) I am a little bit of a boy at heart…Trust me, most of the time I am painting my nails and putting makeup on for hours. But a large part of my life and growing up was as if I was a boy :p Haha, I had brothers growing up and we spent most of our time instead of dressing up, playing Lincoln logs and legos. We learned and love to fish, hunt, and play video games. I do all of these to this day, I am obsessed with Skyrim, love to fish and hunt/eat animals, and have started long boarding with my boyfriend. I guess I am just a dolled up tom boy :p

Sorry for my super random list of interesting things…this is just what my life is made up of I guess 🙂

Here are the amazing bloggers that I have chosen to nominate, you all are wonderful bloggers and deserve it! 🙂 CHECK THESE GUYS OUT!

Thank you guys so much for nominating me, I feel so lucky, and really appreciate it! 🙂 ❤

Love Pearlsnheels

❤ xoxo

16 thoughts on “The Versatile Blogger Nominee! Thank you so much! :)

    • Thank you! 🙂 Haha I get so lost and caught up in series some times I forget they aren’t real :p I LOVE Game of Thrones, Kahleesi is my absolute favorite…just wish we didn’t have to wait about a year for it to come back around again lol! The current season of Dexter is incredible! 🙂 And you’re so welcome!

  1. This is awesome! I’m a TV addict as well, although I no longer bother with actual TV these days. I just download series online. And I am so into oldies music as well! I think my dad was a huge influence in my liking for The Beatles, Elvis and other artists from the early-mid (well, actually, the whole of) 20th century. 😛

  2. Hey thanks!! I’m not sure if I have to do the whole thing again?? That’s, like, the ONE thing the “rules” don’t mention haha.

    Loved getting to know more about you. I was a tomboy growing up, too, but not many people believe it considering I like makeup so much. But I still love to play sports and get all dirty–sometimes it’s more fun : ) AND — this is totally biased — I say, if you want more tattoos, go for em!

    • Haha you’re welcome, you deserve it! 🙂 I don’t think you have to do the whole thing over again :p and haha right I love tattoos :p and have always been a total girly tom boy.. who says you can’t like sports and makeup? ! 🙂

  3. Pingback: Versatile Blogger Award Nomination! | theunicahija

  4. Pingback: Awards/Posts *TO DO* | Eye Have A Lot of Feelings

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