Tag Archive | see what i got shopping

Shopping trip! Wanna’ see what I got? Random haul

Ello! This is sort of a random shopping haul, but it all started from me doing what I always do when I got to a place like Target, Walmart, or Bed Bath and Beyond…I say “Oh I am just running in to pick up one thing..” $50 later…Ha ha, does that ever happen to you guys? I find myself mindlessly trolling the makeup, hair, and clothes sections and by the time that I am done I have checked out with way more than I ever intended to buy!

This, was definitely one of those trips! Here are just some of the products that I picked up from mostly Bed Bath and Beyond and One from Target. It is funny, you wouldn’t think Bed Bath and Beyond would have amazing beauty products for the cheapest I have found, including Walmart, but it really does! I love that store, and they always have what I am looking for, for a good price, and give you a ton of coupons!

Here are the things that I picked up form there, they are random, but all things I needed or wanted to try out!

Let me know if you guys would like a review of any of these products, or if you have already tried them what you think of them, are they good or bad?



Firstly, I picked up this Nail Repair Nail polish. I picked this up because, without acrylics I am always growing my nails out nice and long then they catch on something and painfully rip half way through the nail! And I basically consider crying myself to sleep because it is like DO I CUT THE NAIL? DO I WAIT FOR IT TO CATCH AGAIN AND END MY DAYS?! Finally, I have found something to aid my nail suffering, wish me luck!

On the right is the Sudden CHange under eye firming serum. I know, I know I am not no 70 years of age, and am only 20, but hay sometimes I get some nasty under eye bags so girls gotta try somethin’!  Apparently from reading the packaging you dab some of this magic under your eyes (onto the bags) and they instantly firm up and look like your young again! Hmmm…certainly caught my interest!



Here I have some Whitening Listerine mouth wash, pretty boring I know…But I LOVE COFEE, and there is no way of avoiding it or the stains it leaves on my pearly whites. SO maybe this will be the answer to my prayers, or maybe I will not last a minute and spit this gross tasting concoction into the sink after 6 second.

On the right, are two products The SImple brand eye makeup remover, and the Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Tingle Shampoo.  I, admit I have already tried the Simple brand makeup remover, and at first I was like WT*. I though I had waisted my money, this was the only product I picked up from Target, and was so excited to try out. I even got the idea form a fellow blogger, and when I first used it, I was basically ready to return it. Little did I know I was not using it to the best of its’ abilities. At first I used it by squirting some onto a tissue, then toilet paper and trying to wipe away a night of smeared mascara and eyeliner. BIG NO NO, there was some eyelashes lost that day 😥 And it did nothing but cause pain, irritation, and money lost. But, I had an epiphany and tried it on a cotton ball! Whew baby, momma knows! You just have to soak a cotton ball, not pad, and gently let it sit on your eye for a couple of seconds then work the makeup off slowly in a massaging motion. It looks as if I had virgin skin never touched by makeup before in its’ life. This stuff has changed my makeup removing routine, and I am very thankful that I gave it another chance!

As for the shampoo, I am really excited to try this one out, it was also suggested to me! Mint or tingling shampoos are said to cause scalp follicle stimulation, thus producing faster hair growth, who knows? It was only three dollars at Trader Joe’s, so I figure if it does nothing it is not a total loss! I like that the shampoo is cheap, accessible, is natural (no sulphates or parobens), and is a decent sized product amaount. The shampoo doesn’t have that harsh tea tree smell, it smells more like minty tooth paste, and actually smells very fresh and clean! I am excited to see how I make out with it.



















Here is two shots of the one jar of Revlon Color Stay whipped Foundation, in 110 Ivory. This is the lightest shade they had which I was sad about, because I am so fair I basically need Bella Swan Vampire White in order for the makeup to match my skin tone. This caught my eye, it was only $10 which it usually can get up to $14 at other places I have seen it sold, and I used a coupon!  I was interested in trying this foundation out because of all the rave reviews I watched about this on Youtube. if you guys have tried this, give me a shout out and let me know if it is magic in a jar or a total fail on Revlon’s part.














Next, I have the Johnsons’ Baby Oil. No I do not have an infant, but someone once told me that if you drag a bit of this in the center of your leg, starting from your thigh down to your ankle, it will elongate your leg and add a slimming effect. Pretty cool, right? Maybe I will just look like my legs could grease a pan but we will see!

On the right I have some Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion. I got this in the travel/sample size, because my current facial lotion (Nutrogena Oil Free Facial Lotion) has ran out, and I was not totally happy with it. That facial moisturizer actually made my skin oilier! Like so oily you could see my cheek shine from out in space. So once it ran out I decided to switch my game up and try the all so bragged about Cetaiphil. Hopefully this will be my dream product and moisturize my skin, but not leave it dripping with oil.














The next two are very random products. The one on the left, obviously a mini spray bottle. A PINK ONE. Since it is summer again, and I love scrunching my hair, but never have a spray bottle, and end up putting my head under the sink, I thought this was something essential to have, for scrunching my hair and sleek Kim Kardashian wanna-be high pony tails.

On the right is Palmer’s Cocoa Butter for stretch marks on Prego ladies. Let’s just say MR. PALMER not only do pregnant women have stretch marks. I have some from, yo-yoing my weight, growing, ect. Needless to say, I have some battle wounds that I would like to work on getting rid of and have heard amazing things about this from my sister, who is actually pregnant and working to prevent tiger scratches on her baby bump! The smell is very pungent with cocoa, but hay smells like it is going to work! Fingers crossed!….and toes, and eyes! :0


Lastly, I just have some boring hair clips. But, hay! I told you this was a random haul, and I just thought these little guys are so cute; sparkly ones, lace, and metalic. These will be great on no wash hair days, and when I don’t feel like dealing with my strands and just want to throw them back in a simple up  do.

If you enjoy seeing my random haul posts then please like this, and follow me for some more good stuff! Thank you guys so much for reading, and love always Pearlsnheels ❤